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Why chose STA Qualifications?

Safety Training Awards' is the Awarding organisation of the Swimming Teachers' Association (STA).

The STA is an internationally recognised organisation and a founding member of the International Federation of Swimming Teachers’ Associations. Safety Training Awards is regulated by Ofqual in England but their courses are delivered around the world.

Befits of STA Qualifications

  • STA's qualifications are internationally recognised, opening up a whole world of opportunities.
  • Both Swimming Teacher Qualifications sit at Level 2 on the qualification framework, meaning you can teach more compared to other awarding organisations. See our comparison chart.
  • STA Qualifications are more time and cost effective than other Awarding Organisations.
  • STA are an awarding organisation partner with CIMSPA, who develop professional standards to meet the needs of the industry. 



Do I need a level 1 before I do the STA Award?

No. The 'Level' refers to where the qualification sits on the Qualification framework. STA does not offer a level 1 qualification as the industry requires Level 2 teachers who can teach independently. 

I am a Swim England (ASA) Qualified teacher, can I still do the People with Disability qualification or a Safety Award for teachers?

Yes, of course. The STA does not discriminate against other awarding organisations.

I have no experience of swimming or teaching. Can I still join an Award course?

Yes, absolutely. The STA Award is designed for you, with no experience, you the competitive swimmer and everyone in-between.